Each of our medico-legal reports are written by leading experts in the field of psychotherapy. Each holding at least one relevant masters degree, if not two or three.

Each of our experts have been working with patients regularly for at least five years.

Appointments can be made throughout 7 days of the week. Evenings too.
clear. concise. trusted
What we do
There are many terms for the reports we write. Psychological assessment reports, medico-legal reports, psychiatric assessment reports, personal injury reports, and litigation reports are often used interchangeably.
These reports document the extent of psychological injury suffered due to an event or ongoing situation.
Psychological Assessmentdetailed professional opinion
Who are they for?
Psychological trauma can occur following an accident, or ongoing situation at the workplace, for example. This trauma is often contested in civil litigation claims.
We write reports for individuals in these cases, most often in personal injury claims.
We do not provide assessments in criminal or custodial cases. Neither do we provide diagnostic assessment or educational assessment.
Personal Injury Reportbefore we begin
What to expect
Typical psychological assessment reports:
- Provide detailed professional opinion on the extent and manifestation of psychological injury directly relating to the disputed incident/s.
- Provide best possible prediction of injury outcomes and treatment recommendations.
- Relate directly to the legal issues of the case.
- Are presented in a concise and clear manner, free of psychological jargon.
- Reflect standard psychological practice.
- Are usually returned within 3-5 weeks.
- Cost €600 for the report & interview.
an Other way
About Us
We are a patient-first professional counselling & psychotherapy clinic.
Psychoanalytically trained. Dublin based.

Hold Masters Degrees

Combined years of experience

Singular Treatment